
Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat | Outstanding Fat Burning Anytime!

How To Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat: Excuses Part 1

I'm quite sure you all have heard the same lame excuse time and time again "I just don't have time to go to the gym." There are certain technique you can use to get the proper fat burning workout with little or no equipment required.

In order to get rid of that lower belly fat, you must bring intensity to every workout. I mean intensity that will stimulate the growth of lean muscle tissue, and accelerate you metabolism to a level unknown to man.

A workout that will burn fat and provide that cardiovascular conditioning you need. But in order to bring that kind of intensity, you need to do a wide variety of exercises that will put all of you major muscle groups to use.

Most of all, I'm here to tell you that the food matters. I mean, you can get rid of that lower belly fat with no fancy equipment involve, but you have to watch what you eat as well.

If you have some barbells or dumbbells then you're already ahead of the game. See you can work you entire body from top to bottom with a set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench.

I ask that you keep this in your home as it takes up little space. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to workout every single day but that's just what these exercises are for, which takes about 15-20 minutes to get done.

I don't recommend going to any fitness centers, because you can get rid of lower belly fat at home. Not that fitness centers is a bad thing, but working out at home has some advantages.

    * You don't have to wait for the next station

    *  You get the maximum cardiovascular benefits out of the same muscle building and fat burning workouts.

    * You feel like you're in more control of the weights by not being intimidated by working out in public.

Ladies I understand how you feel by when working out in public, because weight training is traditionally designed for men. But if you have no problem with working out in public, then I salute you.

How To Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat: Excuses Part 2

There are many other excuses why people tend to skip out on going to gym. Seems like "traveling" tops the charts. Now I know some of your a busy and have a busy schedule, but for most of you. You have no excuse.

Now you should only workout 2-3 days per week. And there will be times when you're out of town. Like on vacation or visiting family. I'm pretty sure you won't go to a local gym, but there are other fat burning exercises you can do without the use of equipment.

Doing push ups, chin-ups, and sit-ups can provide enough muscle stimulation to you conditioned until you get back home from vacation or where ever you may be. Try to think of different ways to burn fat, because it's easy to get off schedule when out of town, and hard to get back into the swing of things if your not sticking to it.

This is how to get rid of lower belly fat. Not making excuses for yourself and going hard every time will put you on that road to success. You deserve your own success story, so don't cheat yourself out of that opportunity. Thanks for Reading and Much success to ya!

1 comment:

  1. belly fat is a big issue for looks so ugly in our body is a synbol of a fit person.a person who have fit body is always active in his work he can do many work fastly from the comarison of a person who have unfit body.the big reason of a unfit body is that so much fat around your body.thats why you can do your work.first of all you have to get rid of belly fat.this you will get a perfect body and i am sure you will get positive result.
